Buffie Punch

In Their Words:

"We all have a story to tell and art is one of the most creative forms to share our stories. "
  • Buffie Punch


Buffie Punch - Noongar Yorga - Aboriginal Women of the Noongar Nation. My family connections are from Gnowangerup. A small town in Western Australia. I was raised in Perth and consider Perth my home.

I love spending time with those that I love and have a strong bond with my family. Much of my work is greatly influenced by family, cultural connections, my spirituality and relationships.

I can express myself whole heartedly through my artwork. I believe art is one of the greatest tools to help with any mental and emotional issues. I have always loved painting, drawing and experimenting in a variety of art mediums. I am especially drawn to the challenge of conveying to others, through art, how I am influenced by my spirituality, my culture and my life experiences. I use art as a platform for storytelling. 

We all have a story to tell and art is one of the most creative forms to share our stories. 

Social Media

You can find out more about Buffie and see more of her amazing art on her website, follow her on Instragram at @buffie.creative or check out her profile on Facebook.